The Great Jelly Roll Bash is on September 21st – Join me!

The Golden Hen Rattle

With Jack and the Beanstalk on my mind, I created something called the Golden Hen Rattle. I took the hen design from my fabric and turned it into a three dimensional object, my favorite part is the feathered tail. I love how it cascades out. I’m also delighted with the color combinations, the yellows, blues, greens and coral blends well in a baby room.  I started with one bird, but ended up making a brood of them.  

As I was brainstorming on this project, I thought I would make a pincushion but decided on a baby rattle instead. I searched online hoping to find some type of noise maker to enclose in my hen, but I didn’t find anything I liked. Then I started to think outside the box, something earth friendly, then it clicked, my little secret…a TIC TAC case! I filled it halfway with seed beads and secured the top with tape so there’s no way it will open. Since I recycled something, I didn’t spend a dollar, something I love doing.

all the items needed to make a golden hen
The Golden Hen Rattle pattern

I decided to keep one of these pretty little hens for myself, minus the noise maker. Instead, I added a little weight by using plastic pallets. I keep him at my sewing workstation as a pincushion. To check out more of my Jack and the Beanstalk Rollout go to Rollout #1 or Rollout #2.

You can find The Golden Hen Rattle pattern on my Etsy store. For $8.00 you can buy a downloadable pdf or for $8.00 you can get a copy shipped to you.   TIP TIME: I like using cardstock when printing all templates. Feel free to share your thoughts on this pattern and I would love to see what you create, don’t forget to share!

Check out the Golden Hen Rattle picture parade
I went to Landmark Mercantile and took photos of chickens and hens for inspiration
A chicken wire decorative cage for a candle with a Golden Hen Rattle inside
a close up of the feathered tail

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The Comments

  • Bruno Bassanetti
    September 11, 2015

    These rattles are FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Mind blowing, how something so simple can be so creative and cool at the same time. You are incredibly inspiring and TALENTED!!!